How to work with Manual Concrete Mixing – Process

When small quantity of concrete are needed it is generally mixed manually. To ensure consistence performance care has to be taken during the process of mixing.

Here we share the right method of concrete mixing by hand. As manual mixing may not be thorough and efficient 10% extra cement is to be added in the mix.

Since the measurement of the materials is by volume care shall be taken while measuring the ingredients. The Farma boxes or any other standard measures like Buckets or Ghamellas should  be of the same size and filled into the same level.

To get the best out of Hand Mixing, the measured quantity of cement and sand should be mixed thoroughly till the colour is uniform and this mixture is spread uniformly on the measured quantity of stone aggregates. A small depression is  made at the centre and ¼ of the measured quantity of water is poured and mixed thoroughly by turning around repeatedly while adding the remaining portion of water until it gets uniform colour and desired consistency.

Summary of Manual Concrete Mix

Concrete Mixing by Hand

Maintaining quality is important when concrete is mixed by hand.

Use 10% extra cement.

Farma Boxes to be used for volumetric measuring of the materials.

Concrete should be mixed thoroughly, till it gets uniform color and desired consistency.

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John Steffen: I love to share my experience on civil engineering and construction estimates. As a highly capable individual with a strong academic background, I am proud to say that I already possess a comprehensive understanding of the technical elements of civil engineering.
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